Tuesday, 12 October 2010

I'm Every Woman

In the last seven days I have:

* made a cottage pie and a chicken and leek pie from scratch.  No mean feat for someone who's speciality for many years was instant SMASH sandwiches
* rediscovered Chanel Rouge Noir nail varnish
* found myself stranded at 2am in the middle of nowhere with nothing but my drunken husband, his drunken friend and a clapped out golf buggy to shelter me from the elements.  To make things even worse, I was stone cold sober
* swept my kitchen floor approximately 8,000 times
* been annoyed by a friend
* marvelled at the colour of Cheryl Cole's face.  I mean it's positively radioactive!
* stood at my daughter's bedroom door and listened to her breathe
* worn high heels that were literally too high to walk in
* realised yet again that my mum is actually fucking amazing
* used the free gift of L'Occitane handcream with this month's InStyle.  Very nice too
* sworn at my camera for being crap
* ordered a moody Louis Vuitton "Sprouse" scarf in grey
* thrown up
* fantasied (at length) about how I would spend the, as yet unclaimed, £113 million Lottery jackpot
* enjoyed quality time with my beloved Crew
* thought "God I can't wait for the kids to go to school".  And then felt really bad about it
* planned to watch This Is England but didn't get around to it
* written my blog

1 comment:

Veebers said...

That L'Occitaine hand cream smell made me feel sick! It reminded me of Giorgio Beverley Hills fragrance years ago, d'you remember? Yellow and white striped box.